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This hub makes it possible to highlight, present and illustrate the key figures and data collected from restaurateurs, cafés and hoteliers in the reduction and recycling of bio-waste in the Alpes-Maritimes department.

Discover the survey results from café, hotel, and restaurant establishments in the Alpes-Maritimes region regarding their production and management of bio-waste.

Survey of cafe-hotel-restaurant (chr) establishments in the alpes-maritimes region on their production and management of bio-waste.


Analysis of the results

Discover the results of the survey on the production and management of bio-waste in café, hotel, and restaurant establishments in the Alpes-Maritimes.

Mapping and Economic Data: Daily Production of Bio-Waste in the Café, Hotel, and Restaurant Sector in the Alpes-Maritimes

Explore the datavisualization of daily bio-waste production in the Café, Hotel, and Restaurant sector of the Alpes-Maritimes by browsing through the indicators provided by the SIRIUS Economic Observatory – View the key figures.

AI & Bio-Waste Management Podcast

Interview with Laurent Londeix, Co-Chair of the Digital Commission at the CCI Nice Côte d’Azur, and Maud Tribaudeau, Co-Founder of the tripluch solution, on digital transition in bio-waste management for businesses in the Alpes-Maritimes region leveraging AI. European project CE Food Cycle. »

Project Overview

To combat food waste, for example in the hotel and restaurant sector, there is great potential for resources related to food overproduction or packaging.

The overall objective is the establishment of circular economy poles in the food sector in the five pilot alpine regions in order to identify potential for reducing food waste and CO2.

The actors involved benefit from a transfer of know-how, networking and the use of an intelligent digital decision support system based on life cycle assessment indicators.

The activities are aimed at stakeholders directly and indirectly involved in food cycles, such as manufacturing companies, commercial companies, the hotel industry, etc.

The circular economy is developing in several areas :

  • Sustainable procurement : taking into account the environmental and social impacts of the resources used, in particular those associated with their extraction and exploitation.
  • Ecodesign : taking into account environmental impacts throughout the life cycle of a product and integrating them from the design stage.
  • Industrial and territorial ecology : put in synergy and pool between several economic actors the flows of materials, energy, water, infrastructure, goods or services in order to optimize the use of resources in a territory.
  • The economy of functionality : favor use over possession, sell a service rather than a good.
  • Responsible consumption : taking into account the environmental and social impacts at all stages of the product life cycle in purchasing choices, whether the buyer is public or private.

Lengthening the period of use of the products by resorting to repair, sale or purchase of second-hand goods, by donation, in the context of re-employment and reuse.

The project will enable the various stakeholders to take into account resource and CO2 savings and strengthen sustainable and circular economic competitiveness in the Alps.

Project Duration : 2022 – 2025

European partners

CEFoodCycle brings together 11 partners covering five EU alpine regions: Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia.

All partners are experienced in participating in EU-funded projects. The consortium is composed of competent partners in the fields of circular economy, LCA measurement, digitization and AI tools for the food industry in general and the development of new circular business solutions along the food value chain in particular.
Find below all the partners.

University of Applied Science Salzburg

University of Applied Science Salzburg

L’université des Sciences Appliquées de Salzbourg (Autriche – Site web)

Austrian Institute of Ecology

Austrian Institute of Ecology

L’Institut autrichien d’écologie (Autriche – Site web)

E-institute, institute for comprehensive development solutions

E-institute, institute for comprehensive development solutions

E-institut (institut pour des solutions de développement globale) – (Slovénie – Site web)

BSC, Business support organisation, ltd., Kranj

BSC, Business support organisation, ltd., Kranj

BSC (Business support organisation) – (Slovenie – Site web)

Agency for Sustainable Mediterranean Cities and Territories

Agency for Sustainable Mediterranean Cities and Territories

Agence pour des villes et territoires méditerranéens durables – AVITEM – (France – Site web)

LAMORO Development Agency

LAMORO Development Agency

Agence de développement LAMORO (Italie – Site web)

IDM Südtirol Alto Adige

IDM Südtirol Alto Adige

IDM Tyrol du sud (Italie – Site web)

University of Applied Sciences Munich

University of Applied Sciences Munich

Université des sciences appliquées de Munich (Allemagne – Site web)

Cluster of Environmental Technologies Bavaria

Cluster of Environmental Technologies Bavaria

Cluster des technologies environnementales de Bavière (Allemagne – Site web)





CCI Nice Côte d'Azur

CCI Nice Côte d'Azur

Chambre de Commerce et d’industrie Nice Côte d’Azur (France – Site web)

Photo de profil de Philippe Labbe

Philippe Labbe

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